Cover Versions of Hindi Songs Which have taken the Original Song to Another Level
Farida Khanum sang the version which everyone remembers. But how about this one. Shankar Tucker takes this to another level with help from Rohini.
Nobody can make it sound as she can. A beautiful romantic number sung so beautifully.
Shankar Tucker has something which nobody else has. His music arrangements are always soulful and add so much to the original song.
The Anoop Ghoshal version has always been all time fav for music lovers but this version has reinvented the song completely without messing up the feelings which this song brings out.
Another one by Sanam/Jonita/Samar combo. Over 14 million shares. Can you beat that.
Now this one took internet by storm and a controversy also erupted as rumors spread that these singers were blind. Abhas Joshi and Priyani Vani just get everything right with this.
Did we miss out any cover versions you loved. Do mention in the comments.