Seven Colors of Mohammed Rafi to Take You On A Roller Coaster
How can anyone put such a legend in just 7 songs. As you choose one, you remember hundreds you leave. But then these seven will take you through a roller coaster of emotions. They will help you understand the range of a legend. They will help you relate to various aspects of life. They will remind you of your past. They will take you to a place where only Rafi can take you.
A melancholy feeling as voice tears through the darkness of night
This good make a non-believer a believer
Romance on screen was never so beautiful and Rafi adds honey to it
Another romantic number which only Rafi could have sung
Absolute magic. But what else can you expect when Kaifi, Rafi and Madan Mohan come together.
Slowly this sinks in
And Rafi can make you dance with this number in whatever mood you might be in

December 25, 2017 at 12:48 pm
Super collection 9f Rafis songs! One better than the other!