Ten Hindi Songs to Propose to Your Girlfriend If You Went to College in Ninties
Expression of love is something which evolves over the years. But when you are in your teens or twenties and love bug impact is the highest and incase you went through that phase of life in ninties, these songs would have been in your mind for sure.
Praising eyes is one of the safest ( not sure best ) ways to make your first move and this song sums it up
This is when first versions of Salman Khan and Naghma appeared. And when you are playing this song to your girlfriend, you can not be more direct then this.
And this one is for people who find it tough to express but want to express.
This is the anthem for FOSLA ( Frustrated One Sided Lovers Association )
This one you have to use with care. If you used this on wrong type of girl, you can end up in bad shape.
And if the girl is singer type, this song might work for her
And this one is anthem for obsessive lovers. If you think that your girl is looking out for someone who takes them too seriously, don’t look further.
Sitting around a bonfire and a guitar in hand, those are the best opportunities to convey your love
This song is for the intense lover and conveys the desperation very clearly
And nothing beats this Mumbai ishtyle to express your love